Absolutely! In fact custom built furnaces really are our specialty. Virtually every furnace shown in our site was built for a specific task. I don’t think we’ve ever run across an application we couldn’t build.
If you are located close enough to our facility we’ll be glad to send a field technician out to service any part of your furnace. If you are located further than one driving day from us special arrangements can be made.
Both answers are possible depending on your needs. Some of our clients are highly experienced with machinery of this sort and need little assistance. Other clients would prefer that we do the installation and walk them through operation procedures. Just let us know which you would prefer and we’ll accommodate you.
Simple, Quality. At S.M. Engineering & Heat Treating we build our units to last for a lifetime. They are handmade one at a time using the finest materials possible. This negates or minimizes on-going service costs and parts costs. We have hundreds of units out in the field that have run every day for over 40 years! We know exactly where the faults are on those other machines because we get called to fix them all the time.
S.M. Engineering & Heat Treating can repair furnaces, heating elements, belt replacement, control panels or virtually anything else on your system. Our repair crews are second to none, and our expertise will minimize your down time.
We will schedule repairs Mon – Fri 8-5 pm. EST anywhere within local driving distances. If parts are in stock (most are) we should be able to get you back up and running in short order. If parts need to be ordered or custom built a longer down time is to be expected.
S.M. Engineering & Heat Treating will commit to repairing any emergencies at any time. Just call our 508-699-4484 number and we will respond as quickly as possible.
Yes, we will gladly repair and even manufacture parts for other brand furnaces.
We have four service techs with decades of experience.
Depending on the severity of the problem, location of the furnace, and manpower status we can usually dispatch in one hour plus travel time.
We stock a full inventory of general parts, instruments, and heating tiles. Once you call us and describe the problem we will check our parts department to ascertain if your part is in stock, needs to be ordered or manufactured. We will be able to give you an honest answer at that time concerning down time.
1-year warranty on most of the parts we install. 2-year warranty on Honeywell controllers.